Warning: My laptop keyboard hates me 90% of the time. My kiddo spilled soda on it, and while the laptop, itself, was most unharmed, the keyboard...is sticky and not for the right reasons (perverts).
So at the beginning of February, I randomly talked about Mo and I going to Chicago and then me heading on to Milwaukee to see my girlfriend and he would go home. He doesn't have vacation time, so he wouldn't be able to stay the whole time. Instead, he kind of suggested that I go on my own. Normally, I wouldn't have taken him up on his offer and waited until he could take time with me, but I was/am on a bit of a time crunch. I have my transplant evaluation starting on the 22nd, and after that, my travelling will have to be done in a 3 hour radius. Milwaukee is further than that.
So here I am, up at 12:30a at my girlfriend's house writing to ya'll. I definitely needed this trip. It's been all about babies, and shopping, and games, and good food (omg the food), and much much needed time with my lady. I was so happy to get Valentine's Day with her...and her husband, but still with her.
While I'm insanely happy to be here, I'm dreading leaving. I do this. I get all hyped about something, then when that something comes, I start focusing on how the something will be over. With the health stuff, I'm dying for it to be over, though I probably should have used different verbiage. I'm really anticipating it, and there's a tiny part of me that is excited because...(don't mock me when I say this) it's actually really cool that they can do this stuff.
I want to write fairly regularly, so this is me doing that. More next week after I go through some evaluation type stuff.
Your approach to this illness & need for transplant is an inspiration, Cindy! I love ya, Chick! 🤓