Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Life is astounding.

So, I don't know how many folks are on the list. I know the first two did not qualify. It was initially very disappointing, but I've gone into this with this mantra "So be it." and "Everything will happen the way it is supposed to happen."

I've been neglectful, sort of, but not really. There's not a lot going on right now. Days are good and bad. I'm sleeping a lot. The Shrink (who I've decided I love) seems pretty concerned about my mental health through all this. I'm not gonna lie...suicide has been on my mind a bit. Not because I want to die. Living is just super hard right now. I know it'll pass. I'm just overwhelmed.

My partner, Mo, is moving out. I'm both really excited for him, but also kind of worried about living alone. I think I'll be really great in the beginning, but I think with time that will fade. Who knows?

I'm going camping with my crazy wonderful family this weekend. I'm actually procrastinating packing at this very moment! (I hate packing. I always have.) Though, I'm behind on even my own level of procrastination. But I'm really excited about the trip. Sarah (my daughter) is coming with me. This will be our first legit vacation together...away from electronics. I think she's gonna run me ragged...and I'm going to love every minute of it. All her smiles, and her giggle...I can't get enough of her.

Anywho, off to pack...

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