Thursday, May 12, 2016

Update and Some Fun Stuff.

First, thank you so much for your generosity in the t-shirt sales! We're still selling them here.'s the all around everything. (I've been bad at writing, but there's not really a lot going on these days.)

On May 31st, I'm going in for Surgery to have the tumor ablation (KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!).

-Dear fellow campers, I insist on still coming for the weekend camp-out, but I'm (Actually Mo) is going to need a lot of help with getting the tent set up and all that jazz.-

Basically, It's an overnight or two in the hospital to make sure everything is good. If I were normal and healthy otherwise, it'd be an outpatient procedure, but with the Liver Cirrhosis, I bleed easily and don't clot well. They aren't removing the gallbladder (*cries*), because that could present complications if I find a donor.

Speaking of donors, the very first (to my knowledge) person got tested yesterday! Of course, I don't have any information other than that yet. I'll be honest...I was starting to get concerned. First, this person had told me about this, and I completely forgot about it. (My brain is not functioning very well lately, but more on that in a minute) But I had several people call to tell me they weren't a match because of their weight. In my mind, the people who were telling me (specifically) freaked me out because none of them are people I would call overweight. (For anyone reading this who is one of these people, please don't be offended.)

Now my potential donor did tell me that Angela, the donor coordinator, said that there has been an outpouring of support and folks who have called to inquire about donating. From the bottom of my heart, I cannot that you guys enough for being so freaking amazing.

Funny story. When I was first diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis (5+ years ago), I was talking with my mom about how great my friends are and that I didn't feel like I had a lot to worry about in regards to finding people willing to help, both with donating and with support. She's been a nurse for 30+ years, and she's seen a lot of folks with End Stage Liver Failure, and have seen people who are all gung-ho in the beginning that seem to fade away with time. I told her that my friends aren't those people. In February, she got to meet a lot of the folks I regularly spend time with and she admitted that she stood corrected. So thank you all for everything...Truly.

Also: My potential donor has agreed to do a writing of her experience. I'm very much looking forward to it! I'm thinking that I might occasionally, as part of the process, ask folks around me write some things to put here on the blog, so if you'd like to be a part of that, please do! I was thinking if ya'll have some stories about our friendship, those would be great! Feel free to send anything to me.


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